A multilingual and multi-generational poetry contest open to residents and citizens of the United States.

The Italian Cultural Institute of New York, in collaboration with the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of CUNY and the General Council of Italians Abroad, announces the second edition of the multilingual and multi-generational poetry prize open to residents and citizens of the United States.

Participants can submit texts written in Italian or in one of the vernacular languages (or dialects) shared by the communities present in Italy. In the second case, the texts must be accompanied by a translation into Italian.
The theme of the poetry is free, and the texts should not exceed a total of 60 verses. Works must be original, unpublished, and not have participated in other awards. They will be anonymously evaluated by the jury.
All submissions must be in MS Word format, Times New Roman 12 font, on letter-sized paper, and placed in a sealed envelope with no reference to the author. The pages of individual poems should not include the author's name.
The only information allowed on the first page is the age category, which includes:
Category 1: up to 12 years old
Category 2: from 13 to 19 years old
Category 3: from 20 to 35 years old
Category 4: 36 years and older
Category 5: vernacular languages
Each author may submit only one envelope. The submission of multiple envelopes by the same author, even under a pseudonym, will result in disqualification. The envelope containing the text must include a sealed cover letter with the author's name, address, email address, as well as a photocopy of an identification document.
Please note that any alteration of personal information (including age falsification) will result in disqualification, both present and future.
The selected texts will be published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute and officially presented, with readings by the authors, during an event organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York. The publication will also include works mentioned honorably by the jury.
There is no entry fee.
Poems must be submitted by January 31, 2024, to: New York Poetry Prize Italian Cultural Institute 686 Park Avenue New York, NY 10065
For further information, please write to the following email address: iicnewyork@esteri.it.
The Prize has received official sponsorship from:
Ambasciata d’Italia negli Stati Uniti
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York
Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero – CGIE
Istituto John D. Calandra per gli Studi Italoamericani
Com.It.Es. di Boston
Com.It.Es. Chicago
Com.It.Es. di Houston
Com.It.Es. Los Angeles
Com.It.Es. Miami
Com.It.Es. di New York
Com.It.Es. di San Francisco
Com.It.Es. di Washington.D.C.